Industrial Hemp Workshop at Archi’s Institute for Sustainable Agriculture
Sign up for February 7-8th Workshop// Escondido, CA
Archi’s Institute for Sustainable Agriculture is proud to present the first Industrial Hemp Workshop on its campus.
Located in Escondido on a certified organic farm this workshop will include two days of farm tours, hands-on training, and presentations by industry leaders.
Instructors have worked in the sector for many years and have
backgrounds in growing on a commercial scale and bringing product
to market.
Topics include:
•Horticultural Lighting and Crop Cycles
•Farm Tour and climate controlled structures
•Fertility and IPM
•Propagation and cloning
•Production Systems
•Harvest and Process
•Economics and Business viability
•Regulatory Compliance
Sign up & pay here for Industrial Hemp Seminar February 7 & 8th, 2020